Burlee Shared Support Enhancement NotificationCommunication |
FROM: qualitymanagement@corp.web.com
SUBJECT: We've Made The Switch " And That's Good News For You |
Today is the day Burlee's Shared customers can begin taking advantage of the enhanced support
resources available via our parent company, Web.com. Now your support teams are almost three
times larger and can easily be accessed by calling 1-800-WebHost, or by visiting
http://support.web.com. Don't worry if you
accidentally dial the old number or visit the Burlee support site, as we'll be happy to redirect
you for the next 30 days.
When you access http://support.web.com, you'll
see that many of our support resources require authentication to ensure your privacy as we are able
to provide you a greater level of personalized information. To logon to these resources, just enter
the domain name/account identifier and associated password for your account(s) provided.
Highlights of these support enhancements include:
- Improved breadth and depth of your billing, technical and system administration support teams " almost three times larger
- Expanded online ticketing and phone support from 12 hours in the past to 24/7 going forward.
- Continued access to the same online support resources that you use today with minimal changes to functionality.
- Continued support of your Web hosting and add products and services with no changes in your current pricing for the foreseeable future.
- Access to an expanded product portfolio within a single Web hosting company.
- Access to Web.com's robust Reseller program, including a customized Reseller support portal, monthly newsletter, and more.
For more information on these support enhancements, including detailed information on minor changes,
please review the support enhancement FAQs via your new knowledge base at
Just enter Support Enhancement FAQs. You'll also find Burlee's other support FAQs integrated here
as well.
Where additional information is needed, please open an online ticket at
http://support.web.com or call us at
1-800-WebHost for additional information. We look forward to continuing to bring you the very
best in customer service and support.
Sincerely, |
The Web.com/Burlee Support Team
Burlee, An Web.com Company